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According to data from, over 60% of businesses were utilizing the cloud for IT-related work in 2013. That being said, not all IT providers are equal, and there are quite a few mistakes that small businesses make that can be damaging to IT operations. Here are just a few cloud storage mistakes your small business should avoid at all costs.
Not planning for a potential crisis.
Up to 80% of IT budgets are used for routine maintenance, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan your budget to include maintenance costs that aren’t exactly routine. Even the best firewall support systems can have unexpected issues, and even a little bit of downtime can be disastrous for your business. Make sure to keep your data backed up and substantially protected: Redundant data centers provide almost complete (99.99%) reliability, including local network functions still working if the Meraki dashboard went down, ensuring professional Meraki support day in and day out.
Not taking advantage of all the benefits of cloud computing.
There are three basic parts to cloud computing: infrastructure, platform, and software. And while the infrastructure of cloud computing makes it ideal for storage, it has much more potential than most people realize. If you invest in a Meraki equipment or any other type of cloud computing system, make sure you understand its full range of abilities in regards to telecommunication, collaboration, and efficiency among employees.
Not choosing a flexible storage option.
Due to the rising bandwidth requirements and shift toward wireless systems, the enterprise network equipment market is projected to hit $30.6 billion by 2020. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that cloud storage systems come in many variable types and sizes. Make sure to take the time you need to choose a flexible sizing option that can grow in tandem with your business. Any professional Meraki reseller can inform you about the various pros and cons of the cloud storage solutions they have available.
Ultimately, more than half of survey respondents say their organization currently transfers sensitive or confidential data to the cloud, and understanding these critical mistakes can help you keep valuable data as protected as possible. For more information about professional Meraki support, contact Manhattan Tech Support.